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Historical Overview




The Castle of Buda had played an important role in Hungarian history since the age of the Árpád House, and been regarded as the centre of Buda city. It was King Béla IV who started to build it about 1255.

Restored after the destruction suffered during the Turkish rule and World War II, it is a cultural centre and tourist spot. The cave system of several kilometres under the Castle still hides surprises for historians and sometimes for builders, too. As the planned building will be located in this area – which is a registered part of world heritage –, a mandatory archeological exploration was performed. During the excavations, remains of cave houses from the Árpád Age, wells from the Turkish Age, and other medieval archeological were unearthed and taken to Historical Museum of Budapest.

The adjacent building (Pala u.8.) is under protection by the relevant statute of the protection of monuments, its current floor plan was implemented between 1753 and 1810. In the supporting walls of the houses (Hunyadi János u. 9., Pala u. 8.) demolished and rebuilt by us we found old, arched ice cellars which had once belonged to the fishing activity of the adjacent area. The name of the nearby Jégverem (Hungarian word for 'ice cellar') street comes originates from here. The so-called Salgari Map made in 1763 already shows the present line of Kapucinus street, and its present name was first mentioned in the so-called "Hydrological Map of Alap" in 1833.



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