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The building and its environment

The building is located in District 1 of Budapest, at the lower part of the Danube-side slope of the Castle of Buda, at 4-6 Kapucinus street (former Farkasbíró street).

There is no through traffic in this small, at least 250 year-old one-way street, thus it is clean and quiet. New road paving and sidewalk will be made upon completion of the construction works, including the reconstruction of the old, worn-out public services, too (electrical cables, water and sewage lines).

The internal yards of the house and the adjacent houses (8 Kapucinus street, 8 Pala street, 9 Hunyadi János street) converge, thus the build-up of the site is airy, and the flats are sunny, too. The special 'Z' shape of the floor plan of the building is only in touch with its lateral neighbours in a short section, and it allowed us to design two internal elevations facing to the ornamental garden in the internal yard in addition to the street and the yard elevations.

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